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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fear is Contagious

As a teenager, I remember walking down a country road after dark. I read quite a few mystery books that were somewhat scary and it was close to Halloween time.  As I started home from a neighbor’s house, it seemed like there were strange voices coming from the ditches beside the road.  It was almost like my mind had become infected by the fears projected from those books I had read and the stories related to the holiday.  I found myself walking faster and faster and finally running at breakneck speed, arriving home totally winded.  At other times, I had walked that same road at night without a single thought of fear and even marveled at the beauty of the starlit sky and the sound of whippoorwills along the way.  What made the difference?  Maybe it was the same thing that caused the Depression of the 1930’s…FEAR.

Fear is a debilitating sin.  It is very contagious, which means: “easily spread” “infectious”. No wonder the Bible instructs us over and over to not be afraid. In Deuteronomy 8:20 the army officials were instructed to send the fearful men home.

 “Is there a man here who is wavering in resolve and afraid? Let him go home right now so that he doesn't infect his fellows with his timidity and cowardly spirit."  
Deuteronomy 8:20 (MSG revised)

Let’s reflect on the story of Gideon in Judges 7.  God instructed him to destroy the Midianites which had an army of 135,000 skilled swordsmen.  Gideon’s army numbered 32,000 at that time.  God told Gideon to command all the fearful men in his army to go home.  22,000 men left the army and went home. That left only 10,000 men to fight an army of 135,000 Midianites. But wait, God was not yet finished with getting rid of fear in His army. He kept giving them more tests to eliminate every man with even a trace of fear till the army was reduced to a handful of 300 men.  Now, I doubt that many of the 300 were elite fighting men, the strongest or fittest; they may not even have had the best equipment.  These men may have been weak, with no confidence in themselves.  These were the ones who most trusted God in their hearts; and when victorious they would give God the credit.  Gideon said, “The LORD is going to defeat our enemies”, and that is exactly what took place. 

“Every God-begotten person conquers the world's ways. The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith.”
I John 5:4 MSG

God is looking for that kind of faith in us.  He wants us to have the courage to trust Him alone. The Christian life is not about our abilities, our talents, our position, our power, or about our numbers.  It’s about men and women who say no to their fears and trust in the Lord’s power to defeat our spiritual enemy. Fear cripples, paralyses, and cripples us and everyone around us. It’s very contagious and that’s why we must deal with it ruthlessly.  Faith is also very contagious and empowers everyone around us. Would you rather be known as a person of fear or a person of faith? Would you like to be known as a person who infects everyone around you to doubt God, or to trust God?  The choice is ours. We can choose to give in to our fears and go home, or stay and fight the good fight of faith.

Selah….Al Yoder

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