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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blessed By Vision

Proverbs 29:18

Butch, a brother in our church family recently had a knee replacement surgery. He said it would have been so much more difficult if he did not have a church family loving and caring alongside his physical family. He said “having people lovingly praying for me, helped me trust God with whatever He did with me” He had a vision of what Christ’s purpose was for the church. Pastors have the responsibility to impart the vision Christ has given for His church. God has a plan and purpose for us as a body of believers, a vision. We are fulfilling the will of God when we actively participate in the local church body.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he who keeps the law, he is blessed.”
Proverbs 29:18

In the past 53 years, I have watched many people come and go from church, and the majority left because they had no vision or a very small one at best. God's highest purpose for us is much more than to fill a pew every time the church doors are open. His plan for our life involves more than just attending church and listening attentively to someone preach a good sermon. God wants us to be actively involved in the church.

The church isn't a building or facility; it is not the walls, chairs and carpet. It is not an organization to better our society, though it will do that.  The church is much more than that. She is a living organism, called a Body in the Bible. It is made up of people who are born again, growing and maturing into the image of Jesus Christ. When there is a project to be done, we ask the question “who is heading this up?” We want to know who has the authority to get the job done. Christ is the only head of the church. The church represents Christ on the earth continuing the ministry Jesus began 2000 years ago.  (Eph.4:11-13, Rom.8:29, Acts 1:1)

 Proverbs 29:18 says that without a vision, people perish. The Hebrew word for vision used in this passage is "chazown" and it means sight, or vision. So, according to our text, God wants us to see something. God wants to reveal His will to us. The church does not gather to escape the fires of hell, but to find out what God wants us to be doing in our world. The text verse says without sight or vision, people perish. The Hebrew word is "para" and it means to loosen or dismiss.

The Living Bible:"Where there is ignorance of God, the people run wild"
New American Standard:"Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained"
New International Version:"Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint"
Soren Kierkegaard told a story about a wounded goose who landed in a barnyard with some chickens. He played and ate with the chickens. After a while that goose thought he was a chicken. One day some geese flew over the barnyard migrating to a warmer climate. They honked as they flew overhead, and the goose heard them. Suddenly something stirred within his breast. Something called him to the skies. He began to flap the wings he hadn’t used, and rose a few feet into the air. Then he stopped and settled back again into the mud of the barnyard. “He heard the cry, but he settled for less."
If we hear God’s vision, why settle for less?   Proverbs 29:18 ends by saying “blessed” or happy are those who do these things. So, go ahead…flap those wings and get blessed by God’s vision.

Al Yoder

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