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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Are You a Knocker?

Many years ago I tried to sell things door to door.  I soon found out that my gift did not lend itself to that type of selling. I would go up to someone’s door and be scared to knock…afraid someone might come to the door! At other times I would knock and could hear people inside moving around but they would not answer the door.  It takes courage for people to walk up to a door and begin knocking, but it is such a rewarding thing to go past the fears we have and discover how many wonderful people are out there in our world. However, sometimes we knock on a person’s door and they open and say, “What do you want?” with a very serious and rough tone of voice. Others open the door with great enthusiasm and invite us in with open arms.  In this world we will have some challenging times when we step out into new territory. However with God, he opens many doors to those who are knockers.

“Everyone who asks will receive. The one who searches will find, and for the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
(Matthew 7:8) GW

Some people go around knocking everything all the time.  They complain about this and they complain about that.  They can never think of anything good to talk about. But, that is not the kind of a knocker Jesus talked about in this story of a woman that wanted bread. When we go around knocking everything and everyone, it’s a result of too little faith. A person of faith will persevere though anything.  The winds and the rains may beat on our house, but genuine faith will never quit knocking. It always believes and never gives up because it is convinced the door will one day open.

During World War 2, some escaped prisoners of war hid for some time in a cellar in Cologne, Germany. They wrote on the wall this inscription:
I believe in the sun, even when it is not shinning.
I believe in love, even when feeling it not.
I believe in God, even when He is silent.
Friend, don't stop knocking - faith will open the Door if you just continue knocking! Keep on knocking!
Faith will help you make it through the darkest time of the night! Ask, seek, and knock.  This has the idea of: ask and keep on asking; seek and keep on seeking; knock and keep on knocking. EVERYONE who does these things will see doors open up!  Do you want a door to open for you? Be this kind of knocker.

Al Yoder

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