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Monday, April 4, 2011

Who Switched the Price Tags?

I was reflecting on how quickly our children grew up and now some our grandchildren are graduating from High School. It only seems like a few short years ago we were starting our own family and soon our grandchildren will be starting theirs. When the children were young we were working so hard to buy a house and vehicles and groceries and educating them, that we didn’t always value those moments like we could have. Have you ever felt like maybe you missed some valuable moments with family because we were so influenced by the world we lived in to make money to have more things?

Tony Campolo shares in his book, “Who Switched the Price Tags.” In his childhood neighborhood in Philadelphia the night before Halloween was named Mischief Night.  One year he and his best friend devised what they thought was a brilliant and creative plan. They imagined breaking in to the local five-and-dime store. They didn’t plan to rob the place; instead they planned to change the price tags on as many items as they could. The next morning when people came into the store and discovered that radios were selling for a quarter and bobby pins were priced at five dollars each. In his book Tony applies this story to the evil one who “has broken into our lives and changed the prices tags on things.” He says that too often we treat what deserves to be handled with great care as though it was of very little value, and conversely make great sacrifice to do things that have no lasting value.

“He (God) chose what the world looks down on and despises and thinks is nothing,
 in order to destroy what the world thinks is important.”
I Corinthians 1:28 GNB

The world’s way is to love money and use people to get it.  God’s way is for us to love people and use money to help others.
It’s so easy for us to get our values messed up. Why do we do what we do? Why do we so easily throw away our integrity, and then go all out to do things that only have temporal value.  Why do we place such high value on our body and so little value on our soul? Our world says we are valuable if we are pretty or handsome. Our world says we are valuable if we can produce.  God says people have an amazing destiny.  He says he is preparing us to become the bride of Christ. God says people really count with Him. He plans for us to rule and reign with Christ.

What a privilege to belong to the KING of Kings and the LORD of Lords.  Let’s not expect the world to understand why we do what we do.  Let’s be content in knowing that God places high value whenever we invest time and money into helping people. Let’s remember that payday is not today for us Christians, but Jesus said He is on His way to pay us.  He has an awesome retirement plan. Yeah, it’s beyond this world.  Let’s switch the price tags back where God placed them again.

Jesus said, "Yes, I'm on my way! I'll be there soon!
I'm bringing my payroll with me. I'll pay all people in full for their life's work.”
Revelation 22:12  MSG

Alvin Yoder

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminders that the enemy uses every opportunity to switch the price tags, and that God in all His Awesomeness, Sovereignty and Glory switches them back to the values of God and Jesus Christ, as He continually gives us the Mind of Christ.
